The Ivens Lisboa Hotel - Dajor
proyecto de fabricación de lámparas a medida de diseño para el hotel Ivens Collection ubicado en Lisboa. Proyecto del interiorista Lázaro Rosa-Violán con lámparas a medida de Dajor Lighting Factory. Lámparas de mesa vintage con base de mármol y pantalla de tela beige ribeteada en negro. Lámpara mesita de noche con soporte en pie de nogal y acabado latón envejecido pantalla a medida para lámparas fabricada en seda a mano. Luz Vintage dajor expertos lámparas vintage y pantallas a medida para lámparas. Proyectos iluminación profesional para restaurantes, hoteles, interioristas, arquitectos...
lámparas de mesa, hotel ivens, lisboa, lázaro rosa-violán, lámparas mesita de noche, dajor lighting factory
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The Ivens Lisboa Hotel

lamparas vintage de techo bolas de cristal lampara de mesa vintage seda beige lamparas mesa vintage iluminacion lampara de mesa vintage cedric luz vintage dajor lamparas de pared baño hotel marriot apliques pared interior vintage led aplique pared iluminacion vintage cromo restaurante vintage lampara de mesa
lámparas de mesa vintage, pantallas a medida, the ivens lisboa
About This Project

The explorers’ hotel, located in the heart of Lisbon (Portugal), and part of the Autograph Collection by Marriott. The interior design was a work of Lázaro Rosa-Violán’s studio with Dajor Lighting Factory lamps. The interior design of the hotel is inspired by the trips that the explorers Ivens and Capelo made in Africa: nature, exoticism and wild fauna are the predominant elements in the decoration. The Ivens hotel promises the guest an unforgettable experience.
For the restaurant area, we custom-made large design lamps with glass balls and an elegant design inspired by chandeliers. For the tables, we placed some beautiful vintage table lamps with an elegant base in an aged brass effect finish with walnut wood. Hand-made silk lampshade create a very pleasant warm light effect. The Chaka table lamps with a silk lampshade and a walnut wood base are available in our Luz Vintage online store.
We complement the lighting of the restaurant with different models of table lamps, for exemple: the Cedric vintage table lamp, with a veined-effect marble base and a vintage beige linen lampshade trimmed in black.
For the restrooms of the restaurant, a spectacular space inspired in the jungle, at Dajor we made a wall light with a striped glass lampshade and an articulated arm with an elegant classic and vintage design in the purest Marriott style. An exotic and most sophisticated combination thanks to marble and wallpaper.
For the bathrooms of the suites we custom-made wall sconces in a chrome finish, with a frozen glass tube with integrated LED.
We finished this project manufacturing vintage wall sconces that illuminate classic paintings on the stairs and some hanging lamps with dome-shaped lampshades and art-deco glass lampshade for table lamps.