Other services - Dajor
Restauración y fabricación de lámparas de diseño a medida. Fabricantes y restauradores de lámparas para particulares y profesinales (decoradores, arquitectos y interioristas).
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Other services

Lighting projects

An appropriate lighting system, for it to be suitable for its end use, requires an analytic study and an implementation conducted by engineers specialized in the areas of electricity and lighting.

At DAJOR we place at your disposal our Technical Office with specialized engineers, capable of conduct lighting projects for architectural firms, designers, and decorators. We always face the projects with a global approach, from the initial conception to the monitoring of the final installation.

After conducting an analysis of your business, the environment, the floor plans, the regulation, the design and interior requirements, as well as the objectives, we set the basis upon which we create a project that matches your needs to create a unique, personal, and impressive space.

Energy efficiency studies

There are currently multiple types of solutions to increase energy efficiency in lighting systems. The emerging innovations, the useful life, as well as the utilization factor are very important aspects that must be taken into account in order to improve energy efficiency.

Our Technical Office, with specialized engineers, will conduct an energy efficiency study that will bring significant reductions in your energy bills.

This way, the first thing we do is an in-depth analysis of the current situation: installation type, number of lamps and lights, installed power, daily consumption hours… Once this first analysis is completed, we make you a customized proposal for an alternative option that will provide you an economic and consume saving. Finally, we can also provide the new lights and systems that will lead to the mentioned saving.

Collaborative development of projects

At DAJOR we adapt to your way of working: we can offer you a comprehensive or a piecemeal project. Furthermore, we can also work in the collaborative development of projects. This service is intended for companies that require to jointly develop special solutions for lighting projects.

At DAJOR you will be assisted by a group of lighting professionals with long experience that will help you in the development of solutions for your lighting project. What DAJOR can contribute you? The opportunity to work with a company specialized in lighting solutions: highly specialized technical expertise, thousands of successful projects undertaken, its own manufacturing plant to develop and manufacture the desired products, and, finally, a team of engineers specialized in lighting systems.

¿Quiere que colaboremos conjuntamente?

3D- projects rendering

Besides to collaborate in the design and manufacturing of lamps, Dajor’s Technical Office also offers 3D rendering of products. We specialize in lamps and apply our technical knowledge in this field inside the wide world of rendering. This way, we will be able to show you the design of your lamp in a more realistic way, in order you can attract your end customer. There is no doubt that a rendering or 3D image of your project makes you stand out from your competitors, provides you a professional image, and ensures a reduction of errors and last-minute changes.

Customized technical support

The lighting industry is advancing at a frenetic pace. New lighting systems and lamps appear every day, as well as new materials and applied technologies. With such innovation, being up to date is almost impossible. For this reason, at Dajor we have our own Technical Office with experienced engineers and technicians, qualified to advise you personally and provide you the best solution for your project.

Furthermore, they are also in charge of the R&D division, a mandatory area in our sector that allows us to offer the most innovative solutions in response to our clients’ requirements.

Lamps restoration

Besides manufacturing all kind of lamps and lampshades, we also restore them, regardless of their condition, and no matter if they are classical or modern.

Thanks to our team of craftsmen that cooperate with us in the manufacture of lamps (glassmakers, metalworkers, carpenters, painters, embossers…) we offer a wide catalogue of solutions in brass, bronze, steel, iron, glass, and crystal.

Additionally, we work with a great variety of finishes for floor lamps, pendant lights, table lights, wall lights, and ceiling lights. This allows us to restore the lamps and lampshades to their original state or to give them a new finish to the client’s personal taste.

We also repair and change the electric installation of your lamp, in order to ensure a proper operation adapted to the current regulations.